Jumat, 10 Maret 2017

Note Today

C.        Word Parts : Uni Example : Universal
1.         Find five words with uni in the puzzle and cicrle them. Check their meanings. See pages 97 if you need help.
            -           Universal
            -           Uniform
            -           Universe
            -           Unified
            -           University
2.         Complete the sentences below with the words from the puzzle.
            1.         Rita is a university student.
            2.         The desire for love is universal.
            3.         The universe began about 14 billion years ago.
            4.         East and West Germany were unified in 1990.
            5.         At many schools, student must wear a uniform.
3.         Work with a partner. When do you think uni means ? Circle the corret answer.
            The answer : C. Single or one
3.         Reading Skills
A.        Pre-reading questions
1.         In what ways robots make our lives better in the future ? In what ways will they make our lives worse ?
Answer :
They will make our live better with helping us to do something in lot scale. For example, like folding robot, alarm robot, cutting machine. Because robots can do something that loop goodly, coz they are machine they work by program.
But they also can make our live worse. It aint using heart to make decision, they just follow the program that it make to in some perspective, maybe robot can make human lazier, coz human depending they necessary or daily work for the robot to do.
2.         What kinds of robots would you like to see ?
            Answer :
I even hear about a restaurant that using robot concept, they using a robot system to serve it customer. Is that on japan, the robot country, the future are on japan, i just even hhear and watch it on internet, but never see it alive.
B.        Reading
            Read the text. Highlight an interesting idea in each paragraph.
-          Paragraph 1 : Line 7-9
-          Paragraph 2 : Line 12-14
-          Paragraph 3 : 32-33
C.        Identifyig Topic and Main idea
Read the questions below and circle the correct answer according to the text.
1.      Which of the following best describes the topic of the text ?
Answer : C. Robots in the home
2.      Which of the following best describes the main idea of the text ?
Answer : A. Robot will improve our live in many ways.
E.        Identifying Unnecessary Information
Which one of the following three opinions would the author probably disagree with ?
Answer : A. All technology has done is to make our lives busier and more depndent on machines than ever.
On the text, the outhor suggest us about advantage of using machine (robots). But in the "A" option, that said about the disadvantage about using machine.

Going Beyond The Text
3.                  Look at the list of jobs below. Which are you happy for robots to do in the future ? Why or why not ?
·           Airline Pilot          : I won't need it. Because I cant believing hhuman live to a robot. If the robot have job to be a pilot, it means it carry our live, i think its dangerous.
·           Cook                    : I need it. Because the food will be prepared by them in the morning. We just sit and eat. And we could eat everything we want, just ask them to cook.
·           Doctor                  : No, I’m not. Because robot have no heart to make decision, and again it about human live.
·           Police Officer       : I think it’s good. Because robot programed, and it will have no mercy to criminalist and violators of law. But in science fiction movies that shows, a police robot maybe have some mistake on human activities recognation. And it give bad impact, but over all I think police robot is cool.
·           Singer                   : I think its antemperance.
·           Store Clerk           : It's a good idea, in the future maybe people need their own brain to do some complicated job, that robot can't. So in the future, store clerk bobot maybe can help. So it simple, easy, and good.
·           Taxi Driver           : It can make the system of transportation being on good control management, and it maybe can help decreasing breach of traffic.
·           Teacher                 : No,  I’m not agree, robot can’t considerate about teach, its hard, just human can do it. But robot can help teaching process, like system informating robot,mannequin robot, calculating robot, absent robot, etc.

Note This Week

FIRST WEEK (MARCH 3rd, 2017)

Assalamualaikum. Hai everyone, how are you today ? I hope all of you didn't have a gloomy day. Now, I wanna share my notes from my English course in the last week. Honestly, It's already late but better late then never, right ? well, for your information I didn't use my glasses when i studied last week. I forgot to bring it, so i didn't sure what miss Dini tried to learn in front of class. Please to check my notes if i make a mistake. :)

First of all, the topic is Robots In The Homes. In the begining, we had a “Warm Up” in the “Critical Cartoons” sections. There were 3 questions and we should discuss with my friends to answer its. So, this the result :

Robots in the Home
1.      Critical Cartoons
A.  Warm up
      Work with a partner or in small groups. Discuss the questions below.
1.      How many electronic devices have you used in the past 24 hours ? List them.
Answer :
I used at least 11 electronic devices, that are :
a.       Handphone
b.      Earphone
c.       Charger
d.      Loudspeaker
e.       Radio
f.       Television
g.      Laptop
h.      Rice Cooker
i.        Air Conditioning
j.        Fan
k.      Washing machine
2.      What activities do robots do today ? What other things would you like them to do ?
Answer :
a.       Now, robots can help in cleaning the floor of the house. Its shape is circle. It can detect dust and vacuuming to clean.
b.      It would be great if robots could act like humans, so it can help me in my activities like driving me to everywhere, chatting with me, etc.
3.      Are there certain things we should always do for ourselves ? What ? Why ?
Answer :
I think we should do our  daily activities for ourselves like take a bath, eating, exercise, etc because the one who feel the impact are ourselves.

After that, we should discuss about a meaning of a word. Besides, we should find that words in paragraphs. The result are :

2.      Core Vocabulary
A.   Scanning and Skimming
1.     Find and underline the keyword in the text. The first one is done for you. Try to guess their meanings.
Keywords :
a.       Adopt (Line : 4)
Translate : mengadopsi, mengangkat (anak)
Meaning : take in, bring it up. Legally take another’s child.
b.      Aid (Line : 3)
Translate : bantuan
Meaning : to help someone
c.       Career (Line : 11)
Translate : Karir, pekerjaan
Meaning : profession, job, something to do to earn money
d.      Code (Line : 16)
Translate : kode, bahasa
Meaning : a set of instruction for computer
e.       Doubt (Line : 15)
Translate : keraguan
Meaning : uncartain, questioning about something
f.       Efforst (Line : 7)
Translate : usaha, upaya
Meaning : attempt, result
g.      Force (Line : 6)
Translate : memaksa
Meaning : push an idea for someone
h.      Oppose (Line : 5)
Translate : menentang
Meaning : be against, disagree with
i.        Potenstial (Line : 14)
Translate : kesanggupan, kemungkinan
Meaning : prospect, the ability to do something
j.        Serve (Line : 2)
Translate : melayani
Meaning : to do somone’s work

2.      Read the statements below. Which best summarizes the text ?
A.    In the future, there will be at least one robot in every home
B.     In the future, robots will helps us in the home and might also be considered family members.
C.     In the future, we will be forces to buy robots for aour homes.
The answer is B.

That are all my notes in my English course. Thanks to read my post and have a nice day ~~

Sabtu, 04 Maret 2017

My name Idham Fitriyadi, I would like to share the reasons why we study..

After graduating high school, most of us must continue their education at college. But make no mistake, there are still a lot of really of us are still confused whether to go or not. No one thinks to businesses not forever just because college can make people become successful.
Many people think, for what high school anyway a lot of really successful people without college. Even only certified SD doang could be a great businessman. It can not be used as a benchmark sob, they can succeed without a college that already know what to do next sob, already know what is being pursued in their careers. While we? So what aja still confused, Bener gak?
Well, so no harm ngelanjutin right for education, yet many benefits anyway? Want to know what are the advantages of college? Consider the following reviews yes, may be useful!

1. You know what would be later
Actually, not important anyway you study or not, as long as you know what you'll want to be and know what steps you should take. Now the average person did not know what ya want to be when they were in college. It is there that there will be an open mind about the future. That's why college is important!

2. Have a network
In the world of work, takes the name of a network or connection. This becomes a very fundamental tablets, will feel really fit you nyari work later. Well, through college you can meet so many people from all walks of life. From here also the network was formed and continues to grow.

3. Self-development
On campus there must have tuh unit or organization whose goal is to develop interests and talents of students. This is where you can take the opportunity to develop yourself. Ranging from arts and culture, sports, education, social, and so forth. Not only just more honed talent, but the ability komunikasimu will continue to increase and it is very useful in the world of work menyosong later.

4. Science is more complex
Do not be satisfied with the knowledge that you have from school, you can develop your knowledge to a higher education. Then in high school you just learn the basic science, then in kuliahlah you will learn something more complex. While it might be more complicated, but it's also good at absorbing knowledge added.

5. Enterprises also need science
You chose not to continue their education because they want to open a business. It was not wrong at all. However, perhaps you can be more prepared if you learn about the management and the ins and outs of the business, and such knowledge can you have from college. True, in the effort, the experience is primary, but science also has an important role not? So that every step that you live in running the business becomes even more effective.